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UPDATE- Below is a post- a short note- that should have taken about 3 minutes to write and post- but each time I tried to post it with my links- facebook warned me that I had to remove a link to one of my sites. Ok- I removed the link and tried to post- then again- they warned me that another site was hate speech! I removed that link- and the list goes on. I will make one last attempt to post this- with the ‘Bad Links’ removed- note- those’Bad’ links are all christian teaching- the same articles/videos you see on all my sites- I now have a new video made- yes- just for this 3 minute post that has now taken over an hour- John

Here’s the Video- 

Below is the post I kept being warned about- Minus the ‘Bad Links’-

NOTE- This is my facebook page- I started this page simply as a test page- working on different sites. I have zero time to actually manage a page. So I will try and make the page ‘Open’ meaning anyone who wants to join can just join. I realize many pages on facebook are ‘closed’ and recently some went ‘hidden’- they did this because others have been hacking pages. I do post to this page just about every night. I do this because I share to all my sites every night- and when the button to share is right there- I might as well hit the button. So lets see if this works- either way you can find all of my sites thru my main Blog-[ Note- facebook just notified me that my main Blog is ‘Hate speech’ I’m just about ready to delete Facebook- here’s my back up site- ]

- and below are links to my sites- [Minus the Links that Facebook has banned]- I had to remove the Links and re-post this for a 3rd- 4th- 5ht….. time]



I no longer upload videos to this site- but there are many links to download here as well- 

Cloud sites- 

FINAL NOTE- Each time I tried to post this as a Text post to Facebok- the WARNING showed for another link- I got tired of removing my links and decided to post all my links right here- and simply post this as an actual post-


Here are all my links-

I no longer upload videos to this site- but there are many links to download here as well- 

Cloud sites-