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John 21

John 21 John 21:22 Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me. John 21:23 Then went this saying abroad among the brethren, that that disciple should not die: yet Jesus said not unto him, He shall not die; but, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? Links to my sites here and the bottom of every post-  Stats John 21 video’s- ON VIDEO- .Peters promise to get martyred for the cause .Strange way to end a gospel .Was it Preterism? TEACHING - [Past links- verses below] As I finish this study on John- I won’t cover the whole last chapter here- I’ve taught it already. But I’ll hit on the ending of this chapter- which I always thought was a bit strange. The chapter ends with a sort of debate about what Jesus said [or meant]. Which is indeed a strange way to end such a riveting gospel. Jesus tells Peter that he will die for the cause – John 21:18 Verily, verily, I say unto thee, When thou wast young, thou girdest thyself, and walkedst whither thou wouldest: but when thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird thee, and carry thee whither thou wouldest not. John 21:19 This spake he, signifying by what death he should glorify God. And when he had spoken this, he saith unto him, Follow me. And then Peter asks Jesus about John John 21:20 Then Peter, turning about, seeth the disciple whom Jesus loved following; which also leaned on his breast at supper, and said, Lord, which is he that betrayeth thee? John 21:21 Peter seeing him saith to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man do?Jesus says ‘If I let him live- till ‘my coming’- what’s that to you’? John 21:22 Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me.Then- the disciples started a rumor about John ‘wow- Jesus said he will never die’. John 21:23 Then went this saying abroad among the brethren, that that disciple should not die: yet Jesus said not unto him, He shall not die; but, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? Meaning- if John actually lives until the return of Christ- then yes- he would have never died. Yet- the passage says- Jesus never said John would not die- but that if he ‘lives’ until the coming- what’s the big deal. [Some sites see the rest here ] Ok- many believers have looked at the 2nd coming verses- and have rightfully shown that there are